Thursday, January 1, 2009

#59 Saying that their spouse is hot


Married evangelicals frequently state that their husband or wife is hot. On Facebook, in Christmas letters and in their blog profiles, Christian guys make a point of saying:

"My HOT wife."

"Yep...sorry guys, she's all mine."

"Back off guys, she's taken."

"Me and my smokin' hot wife."

"Look guys, I scored!"

"How did I get such a hottie?"

"My wife rocks!"


By the same token, Christian women say it too.

"My hot husband. I'm a lucky girl!"

"My soul mate - my HOT husband!"

"I am a wife to my hot husband."

"God blessed me with a hot husband. What more could I ask for?"

I had used a picture that came up when I googled "hot christian wife," but then
the actual guy in that picture found this and left a comment. He was way too
nice about it and so I changed it. I never really thought about the actual
people in the pictures finding this.

Fortunately Christian hotness standards are not quite the same as conventional "secular" hotness standards. Value is supposed to be placed on people themselves rather than on appearance. Even so, hotness is still a valuable commodity even in Christian culture. The public declaration of a spouse's hotness is an incredibly lovely sentiment, but can become disquieting when expressed frequently and fervently. It can begin to sound as if they are trying to convince themselves of something. Could thou protest too much?