People in Christian culture feel pre-witnessing apprehension whenever they step on a plane. Whomever they sit next to will have been placed there by the Almighty for the specific purpose of being witnessed to, right there, by them.

Christian culture regards airplanes as excellent settings for evangelism. Air travel invokes a heightened sense of mortality which can only help the earnest Christian's pitch. A popular tactic is to read a Christian-flavored book in hopes it will spark conversation. Another benefit of the airplane setting is your captive audience. The person on the receiving end of the witnessing is strapped in and held hostage. Should they say "I'm not interested in talking about this" however politely, the Christian will usually relent but often with a disdainful comment indicating they've just made the biggest mistake of their eternity.
This post originally appeared on Beliefnet. The original post and its comment thread can be seen here.
OMG that's so ironic b/c I have read how so many Christians cheat on their spouse when traveling. Better make sure to score Jesus points while on the flight before hiring a hooker after a long day at that Christian convention...
I am also a Christian but I do hate it when I sat next to these evangelists. These few are the ones who make all of us Christians look bad. I honestly feel better talking with an insurance agent than with these people.
"Listen, we're here for at least 8 hours and if you don't shut yer trap i'm not sure a can resist the urge to snap your neck in a hour or two"
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