Christian culture has really thrown itself into preserving the National Day of Prayer. They very much want it to be recognized as a national institution and are rather put out that Franklin Graham was disinvited from speaking at the Pentagon's National Day of Prayer service after saying some inflammatory things about Muslims.
Christian culture seems to be more upset that Franklin was disinvited from speaking than they are that he called Islam "a very evil and wicked religion." They see this as speaking the truth in love, no matter how it comes off. But most of all they are really bent on urging Christians to preserve the godly foundations upon which America was built. They don't appear to know just how Christian the forefathers really were, or were not, rather. Investigating the truth behind that could lead down a rabbit trail and then they might have to consider the possibility that God could be bigger than a government and bigger than laws and that some of their efforts to help him out seem hateful and are actually hurting the cause. Then their perspective and possibly their belief systems would have to be reevaluated and hard questions would have to be asked and that would really make things uncomfortable and messy. It's so much easier to just accept what you've been told by people whom you have trusted. No one can argue with that.
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Thanks foor posting this
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